Pecha Kucha Night (TM) Bucharest

Dedicat victimelor cutremurului din Japonia din data de 11 Martie, acest eveniment face parte dintr-un maraton Pecha Kucha la nivel mondial. Transmise live pe Internet timp de 24 de ore, prezentările se vor desfășura în aceeași zi în cele aproximativ 400 de orașe în care spiritul Pecha Kucha japonez a pătruns.

La inițiativa „japonezilor” Klein & Dytham, cei care au introdus în lumea designului sistemul de prezentări 20 de imagini x 20 de secunde, ne vom reuni acum pentru a le oferi la rândul nostru solidaritatea, liniștea, forța și inspirația de care au nevoie.

Ediția specială a Pecha Kucha Night București din 16 Aprilie 2011 va avea loc în cadrul Universitatii Romano-Americane (B-dul Expozitiei Nr.1B, Amfiteatrul Jean Monnet, sala 310, et III), începând cu orele 16.00.

Intrarea este liberă.

On March 11, Japan suffered what has been described as a 1000 year event. The earthquake and tsunami destroyed 400km of coastline, killing over 10,000 people, leaving 400,000 people homeless, and has triggered a nuclear situation that is still unfolding.

Japan has inspired designers for many generations, it is the reason we travelled to this country 20 years ago, and have since made it our home. Japan is where the "PechaKucha 20 images x 20 seconds" show-and-tell event format was born, and it has gone on to inspire designers to get together in over 400 cities around the world, to share their creativity at more than 1000 events each year.

Japan has inspired us all, now is it our turn to "Inspire Japan."

Please join us on April 16 and be a part of Global PechaKucha Day - Inspire Japan. Let's all come together and show Japan that the creative world is thinking of them, that all is not lost, and that it is possible to stand up and rebuild, even in villages and towns which have been completely destroyed. With creativity and passion, anything is possible.

Astrid Klein & Mark Dytham
PechaKucha Founders


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Ma bucur ca se face asa ceva in romania!

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